Blood Type Dietary Guidance
Detailed information about food and beverage selections and their benefits or hindrances to your overall health.
Blood Antigen Secretor Status
Determines whether your blood antigen is expressed in your bodily fluids, critical for optimum metabolism and immunity.
Genomic Testing
Assist your DNA to work more favorably! Implementing specific individualized nutritional, detoxification, and supplementation suggestions, you can support DNA pathways that may be errant to behave better!
Revealing inherited health strengths and weaknesses allows you the ability to change your health destiny for the better.
A systems status indicator which may reveal potential physical and emotional health concerns.
Biochemical Balancing
Acid/ alkalinity; improving protein and carbohydrate metabolism and digestibility, enhancing nutrient absorption, and stabilizing elimination.
Homeopathic and/or Herbal Remedies
Remedy selection based on symptomology; homeopathic remedies are also determined by constitution.
Hormone Testing/ Nutrient testing
Determines the levels of hormones secreted by your endocrine organs, estrogen, cortisol, progesterone, testosterone, etc.
Determines your vitamin and mineral deficiencies.
Determines your vitamin and mineral deficiencies.
Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis
Reveals single and combined ratio elements (ex. calcium and magnesium) in the body at the cellular level; revealing information about your overall health and glandular system.
Ion Cleanse Foot Bath Therapy
Gentle assistance for environmental toxin removal
Gentle assistance for environmental toxin removal
For your Ears:
A relaxing way to clean out debris from your ears with essential oil hand rolled candles! It helps relieve congestion and allergy symptoms as well.
Traditional Chinese Medicine
Facial cupping, acupressure, and Gua Sha treatment which may help with line reduction, potential improved appearance, and sinus and upper respiratory relief.
Also offered:
organic whole food supplements, wild crafted remedy herbs, organic homeopathic remedies, organic garden produce and culinary herbs, and more!
A relaxing way to clean out debris from your ears with essential oil hand rolled candles! It helps relieve congestion and allergy symptoms as well.
Traditional Chinese Medicine
Facial cupping, acupressure, and Gua Sha treatment which may help with line reduction, potential improved appearance, and sinus and upper respiratory relief.
Also offered:
organic whole food supplements, wild crafted remedy herbs, organic homeopathic remedies, organic garden produce and culinary herbs, and more!